Monday Morning Quotes

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Since 1998 I've been sending out these reflections first thing each week--one or more quotes plus my thoughts about the intersections and contradictions. They're archived here back to 2002, and a new one is posted every Monday morning. Dialogue is still welcome . . .

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Quote #1164 - #MuddleintheMiddle

09 Dec, 2024


"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble."
Helen Keller

"You don't actually do a project; you can only do action steps related to it. When enough of the right action steps have been taken, some situation will have been created that matches your initial picture of the outcome closely enough that you can call it 'done.'"
David Allen

"If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first."
Brian Tracy

It's hard to know what you're actually accomplishing
in the muddle
in the middle
of a great task,
of any large task,
whether it's putting up a production,
writing a book,
cooking a feast,
or packing up to move
(like now).

That's why you have to break things down
into manageable bites.
And, as I often say, if it's still too daunting,
you haven't broken it down enough.
The smaller the actions, the easier it is to act,
and if the action feels like a drop
in the ocean of what is to be done,
don't look at the whole once you've created the bites.
If it inspires you, hold to the long-term intention.
If it gets in the way of your ability to move forward,
then it serves no purpose.
Trust what works.
No one knows better than you
how you best accomplish things.
You can write your own owner's manual
(with assistance from those who know you best
but only if they're on your side).

Plan (or adjust the plan as necessary), defining steps.
Do the next step (hopefully with intention and purpose).
Mark progress.
Rest and renew the body and the spirit.

And by the way,
Helen was wrong.
Her life was a wildly great and noble task
which she accomplished
day by day
step by step
doing the work of growth and discovery,
the small and large actions,
with intention and purpose.

It does me good right now
to remember that.

Shellen Lubin
December 9, 2024

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