Stolen Moments |
STOLEN MOMENTS words and music by Shellen Lubin We live in stolen moments Stolen from the life You think you’re destined to live We share in stolen moments When you lose where you’re supposed to be And find yourself allowed to really take and give We live in stolen moments Stolen from the picture They peddled and you bought We grow in stolen moments When you slip and just forget All the lessons you were oh so carefully taught I don’t wanna wait to admire you Until you’ve won the prize I don’t wanna wait to hear you ‘Til there’s no mistakes or lies I don’t wanna wait to visit you ‘Til you’ve scrubbed off every shelf I don’t wanna wait to know you ‘Til you know all of yourself I don’t wanna wait to hold you ‘Til there are no doubts beneath I don’t wanna wait to kiss you Until you brush your teeth I don’t wanna wait to love you ‘Til I know you’re mine forever I know there’s no forever There’s only now and never ‘Cause we live in stolen moments Stolen from the dreams You believe will save your soul We breathe in stolen moments No agenda, “But I should . . .” No stops, “If I just could . . .” No win, place, or show No pride or ego No judge, no test No right or wrong, no best No goal, no goal Just these moments © 2003 Bondrov Music |
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